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About Charting Documents

This website provides a set of financial charts for selection of the bigger and some smaller companies on the UK Stock Market London Stock Exchange. Bigger companies are typically lower risk for investors. Many give good yields (dividends) as well as potentially increasing in value (share price).

The charts for each company are presented in a common format so that the financial details of the different companies can easily be compared despite the differing company activities. Typically, each company has its own style of reporting financial accounts making comparison difficult using only the results and report documents from the companies. Plc Charting provides the information in the same format for all the companies and in an easy-to-read graphical form.

Charts are presented in graphical form to show the financial information in an "at a glance" view while also allowing detailed analysis by providing meaningful segmentation and financial figures. The charts provide factual information only: they do not provide any opinion or recommendation.

Charts for each company are provided as a 12-page A4-size pdf document. Documents can be requested as individual pdf files or together as a zip file. Pdf can be opened by most computers and digital devices. Many devices can also handle zip files. Zip is a convenient method for downloading many documents in one go. Each pdf document size is around 300 kbyte (0.3 Mb). Size of a zip file is typically much smaller per document. Total zip file size will depend on how many documents are requested.

Using charting documents

The charts should be used together with the actual company results and reports to obtain an in-depth analysis of a company before making an investment decision. Investors must decide for themselves whether a company is a suitable investment for them. This website does not offer any advice or recommendation.

Charts are generated from company results and other public information. Charts are believed to be accurate and complete and are generated in good faith but are dependent on the accuracy of the available information. A company's Interim and Preliminary results are typically unaudited and may be inaccurate or incomplete. Charts are generated from first presentation of results and are not changed if subsequent results present earlier data in restated form.

It is the users' responsibility to check charts against official company information to assure himself/herself of their correctness before making any investment decision.

Charting document updates

Charts are typically updated every week. Cbarts typically include each company's latest half-year (Interim) results and full-year (Preliminary) results. Charts are not updated with any quarter-year results, as many companies do not report quarterly. The aim of Plc Charting is for consistency across the charts for all companies.
